This Sunday, July 31, we will return to our preferred way of sharing together in Communion. Since this will be new for most of us, we would like to give some helpful direction in advance of Sunday.

When it is time to share in Communion, Kyle will direct us according to the diagram below. There will be two serving stations at the front of the sanctuary. Each side of the room, both right and left, will stand and walk toward the aisle nearest them. We will have the front rows come first, and then work backward until everyone is served. After receiving the bread and cup, each person will then return to their seat. Those on the inner aisles will walk to the middle aisle to return, and those on the outer aisles will walk outward along the outer walls to return.

Once we are all served and seated, Kyle will lead us to eat and drink.

For anyone who wishes to continue using our pre-filled cups, they will be available in the back of the sanctuary, on top of the sound booth.

Thank you all for your patience and cooperation as we institute this change. We look forward to worshiping together this Sunday!