At Harvest, we are excited to take part in some new opportunities to love and serve our neighbors! Please consider volunteering to help in one or more of these ministries. If you would like to help, or ask for more information, please email Kyle.

Water Distribution

We are working with Mississippi Baptist Disaster Relief to deliver water to those who are disabled or home bound. Water is collected at the central warehouse (925 High Street) and then delivered by teams to the homes of those in greatest need. Right now, teams are needed at 10:00 am and 2:00 pm each day. A delivery run takes between 1-2 hours.

Parent University at H.E.S.

Our friends at Highland Elementary School are starting a new program geared toward helping parents develop healthier home environments. They meet at the school (330 Brame Rd. in Ridgeland) each Monday evening from 5:30-7:30 pm. The greatest need is for 3-4 volunteers who can help keep the younger children so parents can attend these meetings. They are happy for any help we can offer on a Monday night over the next 12 weeks.

Collections for MADCAAP

Beginning this Sunday, we will have a MADCAAP table set up in the church common area. This table will serve as a collection point for the ministry’s most pressing needs. Please feel free to begin contributing this Sunday! Their present needs are:

  • Canned Fruit

  • Canned Meat (chicken, tuna, vienna sausages, etc.)

  • Cereal

  • Bibles (English or Spanish)