Our elders at Harvest are prayerfully considering when and how to begin re-gathering in person on Sundays. Here are three major issues we are working through:
1. We want to honor both the timeline and guidelines issued forth by our local, state and federal governments.
2. We are preparing to renovate our new building, and want to ensure the safety and availability of the space for gatherings.
3. Above all, we are entrusted with the shepherding and care of the church, and must be careful to make decisions that prioritize the well-being of each individual and family at Harvest. This affects not only the decision of when to begin meeting, but also the protocols for how we will gather.
At present, we do not have a date set for re-gathering, although our hope is to begin in June. In the meantime, we encourage everyone to live as the church – even remotely – by praying for one another, serving one another, and reaching out for the sake of edification and encouragement. If you would like any help with connecting or serving, please email Kyle@harvestmadison.com
One very helpful thing you can do is take a few minutes to fill out this form to help us assess the best way to re-gather: Harvest Re-Gathering Questionnaire
May God give us the grace and wisdom we need to navigate these days “in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ” (Philippians 1:27). We look forward to seeing you SOON!